resultant economic and social gains for the poorest nations. In all
these efforts, we should recognize the basic dignity of the individual
and his or her right to choose freely family goals and family planning
National and World Population Goals:
The President believes that the recommendation contained in para-
graph 31(c) of the Executive Summary dealing with the announcement of
a United States national goal is outside the scope of NSSM 200. Of
course, domestic efforts in this field must continue in order to achieve
worldwide recognition that the United States has been successfully
practicing the basic recommendations of the World Plan of Action and
that the nation's birthrate is below the replacement level of fertility.
In order to obtain the support of the United States citizens for our
involvement in international population programs, it is important that
they recognize that excessive world population growth can affect
domestic problems including economic expansion as well as world
Concerning the consideration of World Population Goals in paragraph
31(b), it should be understood that the general goal of achieving global
replacement levels of fertility by the year 2000 does not imply inter-
ference in the national policies of other countries.
The Under Secretaries Committee, in conjunction with all appropriate
agencies of the Executive Branch, may wish to make further recom-
mendations to the President on these subjects.
Coordination of United States Global Population Policy:
Implementation of a United States worldwide population strategy will
involve careful coordination. The response to NSSM 200 is a good
beginning, but as noted above, there is need for further examination
of the mix of United States assistance strategy and its most efficient
The President, therefore, assigns to the Chairman, NSC Under Secre-
taries Committee, the responsibility to define and develop policy in
the population field and to coordinate its implementation beyond the
NSSM 200 response.