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strong emphasis should be placed on encouraging leaders of
key developing countries to support population assistance pro-
grams. You underscore that the objective of the US is to work
closely with others rather than to seek to impose our views on
others, and that in all efforts we recognize the basic dignity of
the individual and his or her right to freely choose family goals
and family planning alternatives;
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the recommendation contained in paragraph 21(c) of the Executive
Summary dealing with the announcement of a United States national
population goal is outside the purview of the scope of NSSM 200,
but the Under Secretaries Committee, in conjunction with all appro-
priate agencies of the Executive Branch, may wish to make further
recommendations to the President on the subject;
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implementation of a US worldwide population strategy will involve
careful coordination -- the response to NSSM 200 study is a good
beginning, but that there is a need for further examination of the
mix of US assistance strategy and its most efficient application;
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the Chairman, NSC Under Secretaries Committee, is assigned the
responsbility to define and develop policy in the population field
and to coordinate its implementation beyond the NSSM 200 response,
and ist to submit to you an initial report within six months from the
date of the NSDM on the implementation of this policy, with recom-
mendations for any modification in our strategy, funding programs,
and, particularly, the identification of possible deficiencies. There
would be a requirement for annual reports thereafter;
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the Chairman is authorized to request other appropriate bodies and
agencies to assist him in this task as required. For the purpose
of implementing this NSDM, the Under Secretaries Committee should
include, ex officio, representatives of the following agencies:
Council of Environmental Quality;
Office of Management and Budget;
President's Science Adviser.
OMB and CEQ concur in the draft NSDM.