Our development assistance should be divorced from short-term
U.S. foreign policy objectives.
2. Security Assistance
The President has decided to consider further the rationale and organ-
ization of our security-related assistance programs before making a final
decision on them.
The Under Secretaries Committee should therefore study the alterna-
tives available for using our security-related assistance programs in support
of the Nixon Doctrine. It should also study the alternative organizational
arrangements for military assistance, foreign military credit sales, disposal
of excess military stocks, supporting assistance and the contingency fund. A
paper developing options and recommendations on both issues should be sub-
mitted to the President by October 1.
The Committee should also submit recommendations on whether
the public safety program should be treated as a "security-related assistance
program" and how it should be administered in the new assistance program.
3. Humanitarian Assistance
U. S. assistance programs which seek to promote our humanitarian
interests -- child feeding, maternal feeding, disaster and emergency relief,
and refugee relief -- should be combined in an International Humanitarian
Assistance Act.
The Department of Slate should manage these programs, which should
continue to rely heavily for their implementation on private organizations.
4. Development Assistance Policy
The United States should seek to channel all of its development assistance
through multilateral institutions as soon as practicable, in light of the capabil-
ities of the institutions and without raising the U.S. share in them.
The downward trend in the level of U.S. development assistance should
be reversed, and the present level should be raised substantially. The U.S.
will avoid any pledges to meet the international targets relating foreign
assistance to GNP, but will seek to minimize damaging their usefulness to
other donor countries.
5. Development Assistance Organization
A U.S. Development Corporation should be established as an independent
government agency to carry out the U.S. bilateral development lending program.