Pages |
Executive Summary | 1-29 |
Part One -- Analytical Section |
 | Chapter I | World Demographic Trends | 1-25 |
| Chapter II | Population and World Food Supplies | 26-35 |
| Chapter III | Minerals and Fuel | 36-50 |
| Chapter IV | Economic Development and Population Growth | 51-64 |
| Chapter V | Implications of Population Pressures for National Security | 65-85 |
| Chapter VI | World Population Conference | 86-97 |
Part Two -- Policy Recommendations |
 | Section I | A U.S. Global Population Strategy | 98-120 |
| Section II | Action to Create Conditions for Fertility Decline: Population and a Development Assistance Strategy | 121-163 |
| | A. General Strategy and Resource for A.I.D. Assistance | 121-135 |
| | B. Functional Assistance Programs to Create Conditions for Fertility Decline | 136-159 |
| | C. Food for Peace Program and Population | 160-163 |
| Section III | International Organizations and other Multilateral Population Programs | 164-167 |
| | A. UN Organization and Specialized Agencies | |
| | B. Encouraging Private Organizations | |
| Section IV | Provision and Development of Family Planning Services, Information and Technology | 168-193 |
| | A. Research to Improve Fertility Control Technology | |
| | B. Development of Low-Cost Delivery Systems | |
| | C. Utilization of Mass Media and Satellite Communications System for Family Planning | |
| Section IV | Action to Develop Worldwide Political and Popular Commitment to Population Stability | 194-198